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栏目:自动化整合 发布时间:2022-04-23


实验室使用热循环仪(或热循环仪、PCR仪、DNA放大器),通过两个极端温度的重复循环来放置样本。 它常用聚合酶链反应(PCR)来扩增DNA片段。 热循环器也用于实验室进行其他温度敏感反应,包括限制性内切酶消化和快速诊断。 

它的工作原理是精确地提高和降低其热块的温度。 样品(在管中)放置在块中的井中,由块进行加热和冷却。 











使用INHECO ODTC®热循环器  

ODTC®用于PCR过程(聚合酶链反应),在样本中扩增基因序列。 扩增遵循指数曲线,因此在几次温度循环后,样品中出现几百万次重复。 各种检测方法都需要这个很高的数字,因为测量/检测系统的传感器只有在有足够的信噪比时才会响应。 

该ODTC®也用于NGS(下一代测序)。 基因片段的读取,即碱基对(ATGC)发生的序列,是由测序器进行的,但为了能够处理样本,需要使用PCR制备(或富集)该基因片段的样本。 

ODTC®是理想的基因分析。 由于基因分析在更多的诊断程序和研究工作中使用,它需要自动化,ODTC®是在高度自动化的环境中优化使用。

Why use a thermal cycler?

Labs use a thermal cycler (or thermocycler, PCR machine, DNA amplifier) to put samples though repeated cycles of two temperature extremes. It is frequently used to amplify segments of DNA using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Thermal cyclers are also used in laboratories to enable other temperature-sensitive reactions, including restriction enzyme digestion and rapid diagnostics.

It works by precisely raising and lowering the temperature of its thermal block. Samples (in tubes) sit in wells in the block and are heated and cooled by the block.

What to look for in a thermal cycler

For PCR and other uses, the thermal cycler must be able to deliver exactly the same changes in temperature for every sample in a run, and for every run.

Temperature uniformity – delivering identical temperature across the entire block, with identical results for samples in the middle or on the edge of the block, and throughout the run.

Temperature accuracy – ensuring accurate and stable, reproduceable temperatures for the duration of the run, and for every sample in the block.

Uniformity and accuracy during open-drawer operations – enabling pipetting and enzyme introductions whenever needed, with negligible effect.

Rapid uniform temperature change (ramp rates) – reaching required temperatures as rapidly as possible whilst maintaining temperature uniformity across the entire block.

Sample integrity and contaminant reduction – by enclosing and sealing the batch during the run.

Minimized start-up and boot times – combined with rapid ramp rates so laboratories can complete significantly more batches per day.

Small footprint – delivering the required performance while taking up as little space on deck as possible.

Flexible positioning – with few, if any, restrictions on placement due to the thermal cycler’s air venting or obstruction of the deck arm.

Use of the INHECO ODTC® thermal cycler

The ODTC® is used in the PCR process (polymerase chain reaction), to amplify a gene sequence in a sample. The amplification follows an exponential curve, so that after several temperature cycles several million replicates are present in the sample. This high number is required for various detection methods, as the sensors of the measurement/detection systems only respond when there is sufficient signal-to-noise rate.

The ODTC® is also used for NGS (Next Generation Sequencing). The reading of the gene segment, i.e., the sequence in which the base pairs (ATGC) occur, is carried out by the sequencer, but in order for this to be able to process the sample, it’s necessary to prepare (or enrich) a sample of the gene segment using PCR.

The ODTC® is ideal for gene analysis. As gene analysis is used in more diagnostic procedures as well as in research work it requires automation, and the ODTC® is optimized for use in highly automated environments.
