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栏目:自动化整合 发布时间:2022-04-24


当你有有限的甲板空间,它有助于提供灵活性和不止一个功能的设备-只要你可以确保优秀的性能。 加热的振荡器允许您震荡加热的样品,而不转移他们,确保最小的热损失和更快的处理时间。  


每个样品的加热和振荡都应准确、均匀。 在许多工艺中,均匀加热,安全夹紧和广泛的一次性选择是很重要的。 根据您的要求,您可能想要选择一个加热振动筛,可以处理较重的负载,或提供一个振动模式的选择。  


振动选项-速度和模式(线性振动,参阅我们的Teleshake 95经典)。  





使用INHECO Teleshake 95 AC  

Teleshake 95 AC集成了液体处理工作站,结合了阅读器和机械臂,包括PCR和NGS。  

Why use a combined heater shaker?

When you have limited deck space it helps to have devices that offer flexibility and more than one function – as long as you can be sure of excellent performance. Heated shakers allow you to shake heated samples without transferring them, ensuring minimal heat loss and faster processing time.

What to look for in a combined heater shaker?

Both heating and shaking should be accurate and uniform for every sample. Even heating, safe clamping and wide choice of disposables are important in many processes. Depending on your requirements, you may want to choose a heater shaker which can handle heavier loads, or which offers a choice of shaking patterns.

Load – handling the heaviest load you are likely to require.

Shaking options – both speed and pattern (for linear shaking, see our Teleshake 95 Classic).

Disposable options – do you need active clamping, flexibility to use different disposables including vials and reservoirs, or to be able to use lidded plates?

Temperature uniformity – delivering identical temperature across the entire block, with identical results for samples in the middle or on the edge of the block, and throughout the run.

Temperature accuracy – ensuring accurate and stable, reproduceable temperatures for the duration of the run, and for every sample in the block.

Small footprint – delivering the required performance while taking up as little space on deck as possible.

Use of the INHECO Teleshake 95 AC

The Teleshake 95 AC is integrated with liquid handling workstations, in combination with reader and robotic arm, including in PCR and NGS.
